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20140415-DSC_2167Shannon Dickson is a Fairfield County CT professional portrait photographer who specializes in family, children and wedding photography.Gray_10_2014-0432017_05_06_Wertman-6Shannon Dickson is a Fairfield County CT professional portrait photographer who specializes in family, children and wedding photography.2016_09_24_Anandappa-73Shannon Dickson is a Fairfield County CT professional portrait photographer who specializes in family, children and wedding photography.2014-11-08-Brown-17Benitez-03Shannon Dickson is a Fairfield County CT professional portrait photographer who specializes in family, children and wedding photography.Shanks-03Avizov-22Shannon Dickson is a Fairfield County CT professional portrait photographer who specializes in family, children and wedding photography.Grau-042016_09_24_Anandappa-11mischenko_fall2014-22Wertman-242014-10-Conlon-702017_05_06_Wertman-22